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Product Information
MDRhythm is an advanced, comprehensive full featured Medical Practice Management System available today, developed for all medical practitioners across specialties to provide comprehensive EMR (Electronic Medical Record) for efficient handling of various transactions with up to date electronic data storage capabilities. The software keeps pace with the frequent changes in the healthcare industry with customer friendly feature set that is functional across all specialties.

We effectively address the needs of your organization whether it’s administrative, clinical or claim handling from a single platform MDRhythm.

Why To Choose MDRhythm ?
MDRhythm comes complete with the EMR(Electronic Medical Record ) integrated within the software. From a single access point you can easily capture patient data, access information related to past/ present illness, lab test reports, documents, images, medical history, examination, medication, demographic and insurance related information.

MDRhythm can be integrated with other data sources.

MDRhythm assists you in making a prompt decision.

Benefits of Using MDRhythm:

It increases the productivity of your office, as all the tasks like charting, reporting, claim handling and others are automated.
The overall revenue increases, as a result of efficient handling of the workload and you can see new patients as the credibility of your practice also increases.
Paperless office is easy to manage and gives you space for lot of other things as paper storage space is minimized. The documentation is available at the click of a button and helps you maximize reimbursements. The number of providers can be increased if the space and efficiency allows.
There are intangible benefits such as improved patient care, increase in customer satisfaction level and better business image.
Your profits are sure to soar high as no doubt your patient retention would improve and patient referrals would increase.

MDRhythm is the most versatile, advanced software, inbuilt with all functional capabilities that you might need, but from the pricing you cannot even imagine all that and more in offer.


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